Our records are now available online as of August 1, 2010. There is no charge for the service. The following is a list of the recordings which are available to view:
Plats: 1962 - April 22, 2021
Deeds: ALL 1860 (Book 1) - Current
Deed of Partitions: All 4/19/1893-6/25/2017 Books 1-3
Processioner Books: ALL 3/7/1861-9/16/1912 Books 1-2
Mortgages: 1975 - Current
Marriages: ALL 1860 (Book 1) - Current
Encumbrances: 1974 - Current
Miscellaneous: 1952 (Book 42) - Current
Wills: ALL 1860 (Book 1) - Current
Fixture Filings: October, 1994 - Current
Please click on the following link to access the records:
We are in the process of backscanning and indexing documents on a regular basis and we will be updating the website to reflect the changes.